Welcome to my Site. You will find here an  extract of my works.


My company has changed - the old Homepage was closed in January 2017. This site is good to see from 1440 x 900 or more, if your monitor showes too less, press F11 - you will get more space. Or press control and + or control and minus

Most oft my pictures are painted in the manier and Technique of the old masters.  Many Layers and the use of Egg-tempera-lights give a luminance and  transparency,  which you will never find in ordenary paintings..                               

 a little green point means, that the picture is still at my place and available

Bilder 1  ab 1998
Bilder 1976 - 86ältere Bilder ab 81

early pictures 76- 86

pictures 2

pitures 4

critical pictures

Bilder 4Bilder 5
1996 - 98

pictures 5

pictures 6


pictures 3     1996-98

Bilder 05

pictures 7

pictures 8

pictures 9

pictures 10